LAMP, Goris, 2018

“Being active join the change”, community issue identification event, in Goris enlarged community of RA Syunik region



On January 25, 2018, “Being active, join the change”/ LAMP public event, addressed to the identification of community issues took place in Goris enlarged community  of RA Syunik region. The LAMP was organized within the framework of “Youth as Community Change Actors” project,  which is co-funded by the European Union and implemented under the Small Grants Scheme of “Strong CSOs for Stronger Armenia” project. “Youth as Community Change Actors” project is implemented with the cooperation of  “Partnership and Teaching”/ P&T NGO, Public Consultation and Research Center Non-Governmental Organization (PCRC), “Youth for Development” foundation and Labor rights defender (mediator) office NGO.


The purpose of the LAMP was to select those key issues, which will be solved during the implementation of the project, through the involvement of community residents, LG representatives, businessmen, leaders of educational institutions and other stakeholders.

The event was attended by the Deputy Community Head of Goris Menua Hovsepyan, Karunhunj and Akner Administrative Representatives Lusine Avetyan and Apartak Minasyan, heads of different divisions of the municipality, representatives of CSOs, international and business organizations.


All issues were presented in a very unique way by the active and motivated youth of different settlements of Goris enlarged community.


Through interesting presentations, young people not only identified current issues of Goris enlarged community but also suggested concrete steps for resolving them.  In general, 8 sectoral key issues were raised by community youth:

  • Developing professional orientation opportunities
  • Sports life activation / gym renovation
  • Awareness raising on rights;
  • Tourism Development:
  • Increase of waste management efficiency;
  • Activation of cultural life
  • Active entertainment
  • Library saturation and modernization


During the event, residents of the community, local self-government bodies. heads of educational institutions and all other stakeholders have had an opportunity to express their emotions and make their choices about the priorities of the raised issues. 4 priority issues will be solved through the initiatives implemented by the cross sectoral collaboration and effective resource mobilization.