On September 9, 2017, in the scope of “Social Entrepreneurship Development” project, funded by “Lydian Armenia”, the official opening of “Rays of Future”, social organization, took place at № 1school named after M. Gorky in Jermuk.

The presentation aimed at presenting the NGO’s developmental road since 2015, with the great support of “Lydian Armenia” and “Zangakatun” NGO, its activity in the community, main goals and issues of the organization, works done for the improvement of the vulnerable groups of the community, to the beneficiaries of the organization from Jermuk community (Jermuk, Kechut, Gndevaz communuites), residents, more than 100 representatives of local government and business sector.

Among guests of the official opening of the organization were Nara Ter-Ghazaryan, Social Project Manager from “Lydian Armenia”, Artashes Torozyan, the Executive Director of P&T NGO, who implements “Social Entrepreneurship Development” project, Samvel Sargsyan, the Vice Mayor of Jermuk community, Hasmik Sargsyan, one of the members of Jermuk Community Council, Arsen Garnikyan, an architect from Jermuk community, Ter Galust Sahakyan, the priest of Saint Gayane church, Lusik Sargsyan , the headmaster of Jermuk school № 1 named after M. Gorky, Ashot Pandunts, the headmaster of  Saravan primary school and other guests from Gorayq and Saravan communities.


The presentation opened Arevhat Qolayan, who greeted all the participants, and presented the activities and development of the organization, as non-formal group, since 2015. A. Qolayan appreciated the great support of “Lydian Armenia” and the cooperation with “Zangakatun” NGO, highlighting the formalization of the group and registration, which was supported by P&T NGO, in the scope of “Social Entrepreneurship Development”.

In her speech A. Qolayan presented also the organization’s startup “Jermuk Handicrafts”, social enterprise of handicrafts, which is aimed at providing financial sustainability and improving social life of beneficiary vulnerable groups.

The Vice Mayor of Jermuk community mentioned in his speech. “Congratulations on “Rays of Future” NGO foundation, wish you good luck. I know personally the NGO director and other members of the organization, and I’m sure that this organization will contribute to the solution of current issues of Jermuk community”.


Nara Ter-Ghazaryan, Social Project Manager of “Lydian Armenia”, during his speech mentioned about completed programs during 3 years, she highlighted the enthusiasm and high motivation, which is extended day by day, among the project beneficiaries and community residents. N. Ter-Ghazaryan highlighted the direct engagement and consistency of the beneficiaries, emphasizing support readiness of “Lydian Armenia”.

Artashes Torozyan, executive director of “Partnership and Teaching” NGO , in his speech mentioned about completed projects, in the scope of   “Social Entrepreneurship Development”, since march 2017, he thanked all the partners, who had had their great contribution in the project success. A. Torozyan emphasized the modernity and necessity of the “Rays of Future” NGO with its structural, conceptual and social orientation. A. Torozyan presented the successful experience  of EXPOs of “Jermuk Handicrafts” social enterprise implemented in August, and wished good luck to the “Rays of Future” NGO in its future projects.

The foundation opening of “Rays of Future” NGO was continued by presentation of completed projects, made by schoolgirls, who emphasized those important changes, which happened in their lives in the frameworks of the projects.

Zaruhi Karapetyan mentioned: “It’s already 3 years that I attend courses implemented by “Zangakataun” NGO. In the beginning I was very strained but later due to my experienced teachers, I managed to skill in handicrafting, during a short time. I hope that this program will be continuative and we can involve new people, and contribute to the development of our community.

While presenting her experience Anahit Movsisyan mentioned: “Generally I’m a person of complexes and they thought, that I will never be changed but an important event happened in my life: I was involved “Yesterday’s trash is a souvenir today” project, which was an important landmark in my life. I discovered that I have bright imagination and creative mind. Thanks the sponsors of the courses and our social organization for my successes.

Being faithful to the principles adopted by social responsibility, the members of the “rays of Future” NGO, second half of the presentation was directed to providing school supplies to schoolchildren from 10 socially insecure families, for the new academic year. The total profit of EXPOs, which took place in Jermuk Gallery in August 20 and 27, was directed to buying school supplies. During the EXPOs the “Rays of Future” NGO came forward as social enterprise, with “Jermuk Handicrafts” brand.

Being faithful to the principles and values, one part of the social enterprise will always be directed to the development and solution of the social issues of vulnerable groups of Jermuk.

P&T NGO also made gift packages for both the children from needy families and the schoolgirls who attend courses.

The NGO came forward with the readiness of its future cooperation and geography expansion.