Presentation of Quality and Effectiveness Monitoring Results of Educational Services Provided by Educational Institutions Implementing Inclusive education  in RA Syunik Region


“Partnership and Teaching”/ P&T NGO has implemented monitoring of services implemented by educational institutions providing inclusive education  in RA Syunik region. It was funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented within the framework of Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center’s “Requiring Society for Responsible Governance” project.

The goal of the project is to raise the quality and effectiveness of educational services provided by educational institutions in Syunik region by improving transparency and accountability mechanisms through participatory monitoring, social accountability and advocacy campaigns.

During the period from December 19 to December 22, 2017 Partnership and Teaching/ P&T NGO has implemented presentation-discussion of  the results of the monitoring report with the participation of representatives from CSOs, inclusive schools and other stakeholders, with the following timetable:

December 19- RA, Syunik region, Sisian


December 19- RA, Syunik region, Goris


December 21- RA, Syunik region, Kapan


December 22- RA, Yerevan

124 representatives of CSOs, educational institutions providing inclusive education, other international organizations, and other interested organizations, participated in the presentation-discussions of the results of monitoring report.

During the meetings numerous proposals were collected on the discussed issues, which will be presented to all relevant and interested bodies respectively.

You can download the summary of the monitoring report by using the following link:

The summary of monitoring report