From November 1 to 3, in the scope of “My Right to Being Protected” project funded by US Embassy, P&T NGO implemented trainings on “ Survey Skills” in Goris, Sisian and Kapan communities of Syunik region.
66 pupils from 33 schools of Goris, Sisian and Kapan communities participated in the trainings. Totally 3 courses were conducted.
The trainings were aimed at providing targeted students with knowledge and skills to conduct surveys aimed at identifying violence against children.
During the trainings, the pupils got acquainted with the basic rights and responsibilities of children, informed the types of violence against children and learned some skills to conduct violence survey.
All the theoretical knowledge gained during the trainings was strengthened in practice through group work.
After the trainings, pupils will conduct surveys, among their teachers, other pupils and parents, targeted towards identifying all the possible cases of violence against children.
World Vision Kapan and Sisian ADPs supported the trainings.